Spring 2026: new work for Oslo Sinfonietta.


1st February: album release of I had wanted a quiet testament on KAMO Records. Sagene Kunstsmie, Oslo. More info HERE.

Spring 2025: New work for Ole Martin Huser-Olsen.

Autunm 2025: New work for Sanae Yoshida.

Autumn 2025: New work for NyNorsk Messingkvintett, Frode Haltli and Jennifer Torrence.


12th April: performance of Com tudo quanto vi, se passa, passo. Nem distingue a memória. Do que vi do que fui. by Ensemble Temporum. Cafeteateret, Oslo, Norway. More info here.

27th April: Premiere of new work for Håkon Thelin and Kalle Moberg. Majorstuen Kirke, Oslo, Norway. Part of Only Connect festival for new music. More info here. Facebook-event here.

8th september (18.00): That was to be of a like monotony to be played by POING, at Vigeland Mausoleum, Oslo, Norway. More info here.

8th september (20.00): That was to be of a like monotony to be played by POING, at Vigeland Mausoleum, Oslo, Norway. More info here.

8th september (18.00): Com tudo quanto vi, se passa, passo. Nem distingue a memória. Do que vi do que fui. to be played by Ensemble Temporum, at Metodistkirken, Sarpsborg, Norway. More info here.

October 22nd: Com tudo quanto vi, se passa, passo. Nem distingue a memória. Do que vi do que fui. to be played by Ensemble Temporum, at Levande Musik, Gothenburg, Sweden. More info HERE.

October 23rd: Com tudo quanto vi, se passa, passo. Nem distingue a memória. Do que vi do que fui. to be played by Ensemble Temporum, at Ny Musik Birkerød, Copenhagen. More info HERE.

October 25th: Com tudo quanto vi, se passa, passo. Nem distingue a memória. Do que vi do que fui. to be played by Ensemble Temporum, at Leeds Conservatory, Leeds, UK. More info TBA.

October 27th: Com tudo quanto vi, se passa, passo. Nem distingue a memória. Do que vi do que fui. to be played by Ensemble Temporum, at Aberdeen Sound Festival, Aberdeen, Scotland. More info HERE.

October 31st: Com tudo quanto vi, se passa, passo. Nem distingue a memória. Do que vi do que fui. to be played by Ensemble Temporum, at Lunchtime Concerts, Saint Olave Church Hart Street, London, UK. More info HERE.


27th january 2023: premiere of new piece for Permatrio. Kroloftet, Oslo, Norway. Part of the concert series Periferien. More info here.

9th march 2023: Não sou eu quem descrevo to be performed by Current Sax. Askim Kulturhus, Askim, Norway. More info here.

10th march 2023: Não sou eu quem descrevo to be performed by Current Sax. Sagene Kunstsmie, Oslo, Norway. More info here.

22nd March 2023: Premiere of Transparent Fabric for string quartet and electronics with Oslo String Quartet. In collaboration with NyMusikk Vestfold. More info here.

24th March 2023: Performance of Transparent Fabric with Oslo String Quartet. Sentralen, Oslo, Norway. Tickets/info here.

8th May 2023: performance of new version of These are gently spread across the marble. Aliisa Neige Barriere/Janne Valkeajoki. Helsinki, Finland. More info TBA.

26th august 2023: Premiere of new piece at the Baltic Sea Festival 2023 from members of the Stockholm Radio Orchestra and scientist Agata Bigaj. The Radio House, Stockholm, Sweden. More info here.

12th November 2023: Não sou eu quem descrevo to be performed by Current Sax during Nordic Wind Festival 2023. Sentralen, Oslo, Norway, 14:00. More info here. Tickets here.

17th November 2023: Gardens to be performed by Permatrio during the festival Høstriss, Fredrikstad Domkirke, Fredrikstad, Norway. More info here.


13th March 2022: premiere of new piece for POING. Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo, Norway. MORE INFO HERE and HERE.

19th June 2022: premiere of new piece for Insimul Sinfonietta. Stavanger, Norway. More info TBA.

4th Decemeber 2022: Premiere of Com tudo quanto vi, se passa, passo. Nem distingue a memória. Do que vi do que fui. to be performed by Ensemble Temporum, in Sentralen, Oslo. More info TBA.


21st February 2021: Premiere of And so, at peace, so very much now this same quiet for percussion quartet and microtonal trumpet to be premiered by Black Forest Percussion Group and Stephen Altoft at Elisabeth-Schneider-Stiftung, Freiburg, Germany. Live-stream here.

30th May 2021: Premiere of Reluctant. Gross perpetuity. in Oslo, by Ensemble Ernst. Link to tickets/stream HERE. Sentralen, Oslo, Norway.

14th November 2021: new piece for chamber sextet to be performed by Insimul. Skur 2, Stavanger, Norway. More info HERE.

26th November 2021: And so, at peace, so very much now this same quiet for percussion quartet and microtonal trumpet to be performed by Black Forest Percussion Group and Stephen Altoft in Freiburg, Germany once more. More info HERE.

27th November 2021: And so, at peace, so very much now this same quiet for percussion quartet and microtonal trumpet to be performed by Black Forest Percussion Group and Stephen Altoft in Waldshut, Germany. More info HERE.


25th April 2020: These are gently spread across the marble for violin and accordion to be performed in Savonlinna, Finland POSTPONED

May 10th 2020: Com tudo quanto vi, se passa, passo. Nem distingue a memória. Do que vi do que fui. to be premiered by Ensemble Temporum at Caféteateret, Oslo, Norway. POSTPONED DUE TO COVID-19

July 2020: These are gently spread across the marble for violin and accordion to be performed in Frankfurt, Germany POSTPONED DUE TO COVID-19

August 9th 2020: Com tudo quanto vi, se passa, passo. Nem distingue a memória. Do que vi do que fui. to be performed at KALV festival in Sweden by Ensemble Temporum. POSTPONED DUE TO COVID-19

29th august 2020: Il vento ti ha lasciata un’eco chiara, nei sensi, delle cose ch’ài vedute – confuse – il giorno to be performed at UNM 2020 in Tammerfors, Finland, by ÄÄNI-kollektiivi. More info here. LIVESTREAM on

23rd november 2020: new work for sinfonietta to be performed by Ensemble Ernst at Sentralen, Oslo, Norway.  POSTPONED DUE TO COVID-19


Nov. 24th: New piece for pianoduo 

Norwegian Academy of Music, Oslo (NO)

Sanae Yoshida / Ellen Ugelvik

More info here.

Nov. 9th: Não sou eu quem descrevo

Kampen Kirke, Oslo (NO)

More info TBA

Current Sax

Nov. 2nd: Não sou eu quem descrevo

Stange/Hamar (NO)

More info TBA

Current Sax

Nov. 1st: Não sou eu quem descrevo

Hunn Kirke, Gjøvik (NO)

Current Sax

More info TBA.

June 16th 2019: These are gently spread across the marble for violin and accordion

Kulturhuset, Oslo (NO)

Aliisa Neige Barrière and Janne Valkeajoki

More info here.


Sept. 8th 2018: 2nd Ruhig fließend: I inhabit the white spaces (world premiere)

Oslo (NO)

Ensemble +47

More info here

Funded by The Norwegian Composers’ Remuneration Fund

September 1st, 2018 : (forthwith a change came over the waters) and the serenity became less brilliant but more profound

Young Nordic Music Days, Bergen (NO)

Ensemble BIT20/Andreas Angell (soloist)

More info here

July 28th 2018: Surface pieces 

Brazil Craft Beer & Wine Lounge, New York (US)

Decho Ensemble

More info here

July 21st 2018: New piece for accordion duo

Lichtenbergschule, Darmstadt (DE)

More info here

July 1st, 2018 : New Piece for percussion duo

Orgelhuset, Oslo (NO)

SISU Percussion

More info TBA

Funded by The Norwegian Composers’ fund

April 29th 2018: Shapes, Book I

St Peter’s Church, Levington (UK)

Duo Soinua

More info here

April 28th 2018: Shapes, Book I

Museum Street Methodist Church, Ipswich (UK)

Duo Soinua

More info here

April 18th 2018Il vento ti ha lasciata un’eco chiara, nei sensi, delle cose ch’ài vedute – confuse – il giorno

Norwegian Academy of Music, Oslo (NO)

Bifröst Ensemble

More info TBA



Nov. 26th 2017 Il vento ti ha lasciata un’eco chiara, nei sensi, delle cose ch’ài vedute – confuse – il giorno 

Nynorskens Hus, OSLO (NO)

Ensemble +47

More info here

Oct. 1st 2017 Surface Pieces

Gallery 345, Toronto (CA)

Decho Ensemble

More info here

Nov. 4th, 2017 Penna sketches: Intendami chi puo che m’intend’ io (premiere)

Grieg Academy, Bergen (NO)

Duo Serenissima and Wesley Shen 

Sept. 5th 2017 New piece for string trio and electronics

As part of the Creative Dialogue Symposium in Finland 2017

Black Box, Musiikkitalo, Helsinki (FI)

Onni Toikka (violin), Danika Paskvan (viola), Laura Martin (cello)

More info here

Sept. 14th 2017 Il vento ti ha lasciata un’eco chiara, nei sensi, delle cose ch’ài vedute – confuse – il giorno 

Ultima Festival, Oslo (NO)

Bifröst Ensemble

June 22nd 2017 Caeiros Poemas and (forthwith a change came over the waters) and the serenity became less brilliant but more profound

Masters degree concert

The Norwegian Academy of Music, Oslo (NO)

Ensemble +47 and student musicians

June 8th 2017 Il vento ti ha lasciata un’eco chiara, nei sensi, delle cose ch’ài vedute – confuse – il giorno 

The Norwegian Seamen’s Church, New York City (US)

Bifröst Ensemble

More info here.

June 6th 2017 Il vento ti ha lasciata un’eco chiara, nei sensi, delle cose ch’ài vedute – confuse – il giorno (premiere)

June in Buffalo festival 2017, Buffalo (US)

Bifröst Ensemble

More info here.

March 25th 2017 Caeiros Poemas 

Sentralen, Oslo (NO)

Ensemble +47

Febr. 15th 2017 (forthwith a change came over the waters) and the serenity became less brilliant but more profound (premiere)

Norwegian Academy of music, Oslo (NO)

NMH Sinfonietta, Andreas Angell, cond. Christian Eggen

More info here


– Shapes, Book I, to be performed by Duo Soinua, during the Greenwhich Early Music Festival 2016, London

Blackheath Halls – 12:00

– Caeiros Poemas premiered by Ensemble +47 at their debut concert 

The Norwegian Academy of Music, 26th october 2016, 19:00, Levinsalen

Programme here

– Collaboration with soprano Hanne Askeland, accordionist Andreas Angell and The Academy of Opera, KHiO

Premiere at KHiO, 17th september 2016, during the Ultima Festival

– Performance of Shapes, Book I at the UNM festival in Aarhus, Denmark

18th august 2016, 19.30 at Granhøj Dans. Full programme here.

New piece for american sax-duo Decho Ensemble

Norwegian premiere august 13th 19:30, at Hovedbiblioteket Deichman, Oslo. More info here.

– Shapes, Book II to be performed by Asamisimasa

5th march, 19.00 at Caféteateret, Oslo –  more info here

13th march at the Borealis Festival, Bergen

– New piece commisioned by Mette Henriette Martedatter Rølvåg (saxophone), Andreas Rokseth (bandoneon) and Julie Rokseth (harp)

Performance in 2016, with fundings from Komponistenes Vederlagsfond

– New piece for Nordic Voices

To be finished somewhere in the future, funded by Nordic Voices


Dec. 19th: performance of “ruhig/fliessend/[…]/ruhig fliessend” by Ligetrio, at Cafe de Concert, Oslo

Dec. 18th: performance of “ruhig/fliessend/[…]/ruhig fliessend” by Ligetrio, in Røros

Dec. 17th: premiere of “ruhig/fliessend/[…]/ruhig fliessend” by Ligetrio, at Dokkhuset, Trondheim

Nov. 26th: Performance of of “Rastrum” for organ at the Norwegian Academy of Music, Oslo

Sept. 17th: Premiere of “Rastrum” for organ at the Norwegian Organ Festival – performance by Guy Poupart, in Sandnes, Norway

Sept. 5th: Premiere of revised verison of (B)locks at the UNM festival in Helsinki, Finland, by Avanti! ensemble and conductor Jaakko Kuusisto

July 17th: Premiere of “Ruhig fließend” for violin, horn and piano by Ligetrio, in Sauda, Norway


– 26. aug. 14: Phorisms, Book II, performed by Free-Flow String Quartet at the UNM festival in Malmö, Sweden

– 19. aug. 14: Shapes, performed by Duo Soinua in Baarn, Netherlands

– 18. aug. 14: Phorisms, Book II, performed by Oslo Sinfonietta at the Oslo International Chamber Music Festival, Oslo, Norway

– 16. aug. 14: Crumbles, performed at Open Space during the Darmstadt Summer Course for New Music, Germany,  as part of a harp workshop

– 19. june 14: Shapes, performed by Duo Soinua, in Majorstuen Kirke, Oslo, Norway

– 6. april 14: Shapes, performed by Duo Soinua in Amstelkerk, Amsterdam, Netherlands